5.1pre-class test1、【填空题】__________,____________,___________ are the most influential schools of thought in chinese culture.
2、【填空题】write the names of the two most famous philosophers in china:___________,_______________
3、【填空题】there is a book, which is regarded as “群经之首,儒家、道家共同的经典”. what is the name of this book?《__________》.
4、【填空题】__________, and ___________ are the most essential concepts in confucianism.
5、【填空题】the essence of 仁 is ________.
6、【填空题】write the seven virtues(七善) of water according to laozi._______,_______,_______,______,______,_____,______.
7、【填空题】write down the five elements(五行):_____,____,______,_______,______,
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