1.3reading: punctuality pays1.4listening & speaking: how to greet each other1.5listening & speaking: how to make an introduction1.6grammar: basic sentences partterns1.7writing: notice1.8unit 1 单元测试2.3reading: public transportation in the usa2.4listening & speaking: how to book airline tickets?2.5grammar: comparatives2.6writing: poster2.7unit 2 单元测试3.3reading:xi'an metro3.4listening & speaking:how to direct the way?3.5grammar:non-finite verbs3.6writing:business card3.7unit3 单元测试4.3reading: high-speed rail4.4listening & speaking: asking for help4.5grammar: tense4.6writing: train ticket4.7unit 4 单元测试5.3reading: vacation in space5.4listening & speaking: hotel situations15.5listening & speaking: hotel situations25.6listening & speaking: travel accommodations5.7grammar: passive voice5.8writing: how to book hotel rooms online5.9unit 5 单元测验6.3reading:healthy diet6.4listening and speaking:eating outside6.5grammar:noun clauses6.6writing:menu6.7unit 6 单元测试7.3reading:shopping mall or cyber-mall?7.5grammar:attributive clause7.6writing:thanks letter7.7unit 7 单元测试8.3reading: we can make a difference8.4listening and speaking:what's the weather like today?8.5grammar:subjuective mood8.6writing:invitation letter8.7unit 8 单元测试9.3reading: ways to celebrate christmas9.4listening & speaking: traditional holiday9.5grammar: emphatic sentence9.6writing: email9.7unit 9 单元测试10.3reading: avoid career confusions10.4listening & speaking: how to prepare an interview?10.5grammar: inversion10.6writing: résumé10.7unit 10 单元测试猜你喜欢
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