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作者2023-10-22 06:22:54优学院问答 78 ℃0 评论

why hasn’t jack goodwin got a job yet?

how does he spend a typical day?

how do most of his friends spend the day?

how are jack’s parents helping him?

what do whoopi goldberg, bruce willis and brad pitt have in common?

in the passage if you ask me, the writer claimed that real life is not like what people normally praise it.

she declined the offer to do an ma at the london school of economics due to a bad financial condition.

after she got the first salary in the saliury, she bought herself a bunch of flowers.

tony invested in the writer by giving her a 20,000-pound loan, asking a ten percent annual interest for the collateral of the money.

using her own story, the writers elaborated that the optimal returns in the business world is given by investing in people.

in the us, a “_______ (2 words)” approach normally shows the positive aspects of the job hunter.

more than a quarter of british resume writers are guilty of overdoing their resume. that is, they tell ______ (1 word).

on mainland europe, the standard format form cv can find clear and easy-to-understand, but it has not yet been ________ (2 words).

according to the writer, the “_____ (1 word, in capital letters)” philosophy is the most useful guideline.

the following resume is written in a ________ (1 word) order. 2008 summer job in tourist information office, bournemouth 2007 summer job as lifesaver patrolling busy beach in bournemouth 2006-2008 occasional weekend bar work in duke of monmouth pub, southampton 2005-2006 volunteer in india on a clean water project

what is the main writing purpose of the passage danger! books may change your life?

why are we like alice in wonderland when we read a book?

which one is not the struggle that miller, the author of they are alive and they spoke to me, has with books?

according to miller, what should you do when you find a book you want to read?

why does miller especially admire about blaise cendrars?

the author’s tone in the passage is _____.

what kinds of books helps thomas merton find out the true meaning of life?

what are the reading’s benefits that the author reemphasizes in the end of his writing?

the novel thing fall apart, setting in nigeria at the end of the 19th century, is a postcolonial novel and a portrayal of culture clash.

the clash occurs when african traditions meet the forces for change in the form of christianity, as differences in their values and beliefs create misunderstandings and conflicts.

the leading character okonkwo is a brave warrior, and his pride of his tribe and himself ended in a tragedy.

the novel is written in a nigerian language to “bear the weight” of okonkwo’s african experience.

what is the meaing of "deteriorate"?

which of the following statement about king louis xiv is wrong?

please choose the word with different meaning.

please choose the word with different meaning.

blue denim jeans remained popular in the us as work clothes until the 1950s, but then became associated with ______.

what are features of formal writing?

when stock market goes up, women are likely to wear short skirt, i.e. lower hemline; stock market goes down, long skirt, higher hemline. this is what we call hemline index.

why women should want to expose more or less of their legs during periods of economic boom and bust remains a mystery.

the lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy lipstick.

when gina cowen is looking for glass on a beach, she finds time passes slowly.

for most of the jewellery cowen makes, she exhibits it in galleries.

sea glass will eventually run out --- one day, it will be rarer than diamond.

sea glass is more ecological than diamonds and gold because it can be used for a variety of purposes.

gina cowen devoted herself to sea glass career because of her experience on a beach near cape town.

french fashion history and french national history are closely intertwined.

louis xiv is the one who helped put france and paris on the international fashion map

the passage starts with "i have a confession". what rhetorical device is used here?

if something is an asset for you, it is ______.

if you weather a bad period, you ______.

buddy is an informal word for _______.

a cash cushion will _______.

which of the following country is not in the urozone?

which sort of clients do credit card companies want?

what are synonyms of the phrase "go from bad to worse"?

which is (are) the synonym(s) of mutual?

kelly failed to continue her studies in university because of credit card.

the three phrases: prone to, liable to and subject to can indicate likelihood.

euro coins only have symbols of the country which issued the coins.

euro banknotes illustrate gateways and windows and bridges, designed to show major architectural periods.

the european parliament is elected every three years by eu citizens.

renaissance architecture is the architecture of the period between the early 15th and early 17th centuries.

what is the unmarked clothing style for men?

what does a marked female ending to a word usually convey?

emmy awards are for ______.

which of the following words is marked?

which of the following does not belong to traditional stereotypes of women?

what are the author’s main purposes of writing this passage entitled sex differences in english gossip rules?

men gossip just as much as women.

men talk more about politics than women.

men talk more about football than women.

women talk more about themselves than men.

men don’t admit they gossip.

women don’t admit they gossip.

if a woman wears no make-up, she is unmarked.

in western tradition, women will take her huand’s family name after marriage.

“dr.” is an unmarked title for women.

in the summer of 1940, britain ______.

churchill suggested that britain ______.

winston’s father thought he was _____.

the writer suggests that churchill's early ambition was _____.

winston fought as an ordinary soldier because _____.

what is not an auxuliary science of history?

what is the most important factor for a basic fact to become a historical fact?

what is a priori argument?

which of the following statement has the same meaning as "the facts speak only when the historian calls on them"?

traditional and living history museums are the two types of museums.

people can experience life of someone in the iron age 2,000 years ago.

visitors gain a real insight into the skills of the ancient people by living in the roundhouses in cinderbury.

cinderbury is special because the whole city is a living museum.

in the writer's opinion, living history museums are much more interesting than traditional museums.

职业素养是指从业者通过( )形成和发展起来的,在职业活动中起决定性作用的,内在的、相对稳定的基本品质。

隐性素养是职业素养中最根本的部分。( )

外化素养是通过学习、培训获得并在实践运用中日渐提升的。以下属于外化职业素养的是( )。

根据素质形成和发展过程由低级到高级的层次性,可以将素质分成( )类八种。

在素质的类别中,占主导地位是( )。

在日常生活中,我们经常听到这样的说法:“把这件事交给某某做,有把握,靠谱,绝对可以放心。”这反映了职业素质的( )特征。

一般说来,劳动者能否顺利就业并取得成就,在很大程度上取决于本人的职业素质,职业素质越高的人,获得成功的机会就越多。( )

cq是指职业胜任力的量化标准,即职商。( )

个人的“职商”水平是难以检测的。( )

古代把礼作为修身的最高境界,同时也把它作为做人的起码要求。( )

改革开放以来,旅游业经历了( )发展阶段

职业能力是人们职业生涯中除岗位专业能力之外的基本能力,国外一些将其称为是( )。

已经成为世界第一国际旅游消费国、世界( )大旅游目的地。


( )是我国第一位礼仪学家,提供了“仁者爱人”的思想。

现代旅游业强调“宾客至上”,要求把宾客放在首位, 宾客求( )的需求,是最强烈和最敏感的,同时也是最合理的和最起码的要求,是宾客的权利。

提高旅游礼仪的途径有哪些?( )

旅游从业人员的仪容礼仪要做到“四个无”,分别是指( )。

旅游从业人员的语言表达应关注声音的优美,主要是体现在( )。

为了方便,人们一般直接把名片揣裤口袋里,这样跟人递送时就显得极其迅速了。( )

旅游接待中,一般引导的正确做法是走在被引导者的左前方,体现以右为尊。( )

若主人自己开车去接他(她)的朋友,应该让朋友坐在后排右座,因为这样是对客人的极高敬意。( )

在工作中,很多男士为了表达自己的帅气,他们总是把西装的纽扣全部敞开,我认为这样很好。( )

人们常说“听话品高低”,这说明了语言的魅力与力量。( )

接待礼仪中在安排主宾坐席时通常要遵循的基本原则是:面门为上、背门为下,以右为尊,以中为尊,以前为尊,以近为尊。 ( )

前台服务在接待客人较多时,应该按顺序依次办理,使顾客感受到尊重,不被冷落;需要做到“接一顾二招呼三 ”。 ( )

大堂经理要以积极负责的态度处理客人的问题和投诉,要详细询问,并当面记录,并百分百满足客人的要求。 ( )

如客人称钥匙遗忘在客房,要求客房服务员为其开房门时,应请客人出示住房卡,核对日期、房号、姓名等无误后,方可为其开门。 ( )

欧洲人普遍信奉教,忌数字13与黑色“星期五”,忌问别人私事;严格遵循“女士优先”的礼貌准则。 ( )

拜访时态度要诚恳大方,言谈要得体;在未经主人允许或邀请下,不应该做出以下哪些行为。 ( )

宴请礼仪遵循的5个要素可以用英文的首字母表示,下列包含其意思的是( )

餐饮卫生是餐厅服务中首先要考虑的,主要包含以下哪些方面( )

导游按工作程序,应该在规定时间要求送客到达机场,如客人乘坐的是国内航班,应提前多长时间( )

与客人交谈时,一般不要涉及疾病、死亡等不愉快的话题;也不要对宾客询问以下哪些问题 。 ( )

按照沟通的不同信息符号,可将沟通分为( )。



交谈中我们要做到有所为和有所不为指的是语言的( )


荀子认为“口能言之,身能行之”的是国宝也。( )

古希腊的亚里士多德称演讲术为修辞术。( )

重音的表达方式只有重读一种。( )

( )表示有意外之言,或是反语、诙谐、夸张等

演讲中,用于叙述急剧变化的事物与惊险场景的声音速度是( )

即兴演讲的常用的思维方式有( )

下面词语中,应该读成轻声词的有( )

常见的演讲方式有照本宣科、脱稿演讲和即兴演讲三种形式。( )

理想信念是共产人精神之“钙”,运用的是( )。

按照心理学家奥伯特.麦拉比安的公式。人类信息的表达等于7%视觉 38%声音 55%语言。( )

职业道德是指人们在进行职业活动过程中,一切符合职业要求的( )的总和。

旅游职业道德是一种( )约束机制。

人类丰富多彩的社会生活可以分为( )大领域。

客我关系中,客我个人之间的交际是大量的、频繁的、每日每时都在进行的。( )

在客我交际过程中,双方都有“警觉点”和“过敏”现象存在。( )

树立客人意识就是“以客人为中心”,做到( )。

旅游服务人员的三意识中,( )为首要意识。

职业道德在人类道德中处于( )地位。

在服务过程中,“客”与“我”是一对既对立又统一的矛盾。从服务企业经营管理分析,( )是矛盾的主要方面。

强化服务意识,就是强调( )意识。

以下不属于团队概念的关键词是( )?

团队不仅需要_________,也需要_________。( )

1981年,贝尔宾首次在《团队管理:他们为什么成功或失败》一书中提出了( )。

在组建角色搭配合理的团队时,我们不仅要关注__________,更应该注重___________,重视__________。( )

不同的团队角色常常有自己独特的信念和行为特征,作为一个有弹性的团队成员,除了要加深对团队角色的自我认识,提高角色适应性外, 还应该认识团队角色的个体差异,提高对其他团队角色的个人特征、角色功能和角色行为特征的理解,自觉学习新的角色技能,增加自己的角色灵活性,从而增进整个团队的弹性。( )

优秀团队的基本特征有?( )

以下不属于团队协作的作用的是?( )

团队协作成功需要哪几个因素?( )

团队取得成功正是因为它是由不完美的人组成的。( )

要想成为团队中最受欢迎的人您需要做的是?( )

事业有成的三个条件是什么?( )

职业规划要从哪些方面着手?( )

以下哪个不是生涯发展规划的阶段?( )

职业发展地最终目标是?( )

正确地评价学生的德才表现和综合素质可以分成哪两个部分?( )

以下属于职业环境分析因素的是?( )

职业决策是人们根据自身特点和社会需要做出合理的职业方向抉择的过程。( )

在校期间培养良好的职业行为习惯包含有( )

校外的实践机遇不包括( )

在修正考核时不需要进行的“三自我”内容是( )

时间管理是用_______或在________内实现_________。( )

时间管理是在管理生命、管理价值观。( )

价值观将会直接影响我们如何付出自己的时间、精力和金钱,但不会决定我们的生命品质。 ( )

2/8原则中的三要素的优先顺序是( )

gtd(getting things done)的核心原则是( )

时间管理的对象不是“时间”,而是每一个“使用时间的人”,其本质就是“自我管理”。( )

管理学peterdrucker提出的art目标设定中“m”代表( )。

旅游从业者常见的心理问题有( )。

相信“天生我材必有用”属于( )增强自信心的有效方法。

阳光心态要求是积极、健康、进取、充满关爱。( )。

我们的一切情绪都归于现在的事件、现在的人、现在的关系,是这些因素决定了我们的爱恨情仇以及种种情绪。( )。

在土方工程中,按( )将土分成八类。

土的最初可松性系数和最终可松性系数均大于1,土越坚硬,可松性系数越大。 ( )

在土方工程中,按( )将土分成八类。


in the 1960s, ________.

in the 1960s, ________.

in the uk today ________.

international students today ________.

the writer says that students today ____.

while i had other serious injuries, my legs were my ________ concern.

the novel praises the ________ spirit of the hero against the old society.

the new job is not a promotion as such but it brings good ________ for the future.

it is a(n) ________ feeling to unload the burden that has been weighing us down for years.

the report shows that there have been ________ improvements in some areas in the past ten years.

studying postmoderni caused frank thomas to change.

frank says that his generation of students are luckier than previous generation.

postmoderni seems to suggest that people should not work together.

the way people use the word “radicali” has changed.

this generation’s involvement with the internet is less significant than their parents’ political involvement.

why did mothers record the incidents of empathy?

which of these statements about children aged about one is true?

what is jenny’s reaction when a neighbor’s baby cries?

what happens at the age of two and a half?

what do we learn from the last paragraph?

two independent investigators have reached ________ the same conclusions.

jim’s two most pleasing ________ are generosity and energy.

i ate a(n) ________ prepared sandwich and shot out the door.

his speech ________ a heated discussion.

the child ________ at his teacher as he received the award.

empathy and sympathy are not the same thing.

children need to have a teddy bear or security blanket at all times

between the age of two and three children lose some of their empathic reactions.

children can be encouraged by parents to be more empathic.

it is important to tell children when they are being naughty.

the film catch me if you can _____.

the writer uses the film to _____.

the writer says most victims of identity theft _____.

the writer gives some practical hints for _____.

the writer suggests that identity theft _____.

online retailers such as amazon and itunes are so successful that they have become _______ names.

it was the first time that such a ______ had to be taken at a british nuclear power station.

immigrants choose to settle in the u.s., dreaming that they will make a fortune ______ there.

it’s now ______ for people to use internet at home.

he ______ the letter angrily and threw it into the wastebasket.

what do many people remember when they recall september 11, 2001?

what is the main topic of the passage?   

what does the writer remember about president kennedy?

why did a mouse hold up a plane from hanoi to tokyo?

what advantage does tv have over newspapers?

sales of newspapers may be falling, but the power of the press has not been ________.

the policemen had a high speed car ______ through the streets before the gang was caught.   

there always ______ these words in my ears: duty, honor, country.   

what was your first ______ as a journalist of xinhua news?     

many people get caught in a ______ circle of dieting and weight gain.  

years ago, people would start their day reading the newspaperover before going to work.

almost four-fifths of americans and 52.6 per cent of youth read newspapers today .

many british newspapers have reduced the newspaper to tabloid size to capture younger readers.

all large circulation newspapers have established their own strong websites to attract readers.

nearly five billion trees are cut down annually for paper making worldwide, representing 45 per cent of all harvested trees.

the quotation from anne is used to introduce________.

what did the franks do to avoid the persecution of the nazis

in may 1940 ________.  

how was the situation in “the secret annexe”?

what did anne do in “the secret annexe”?

bob, that car nearly hit us! what ________!  

michael and john are ________ in their conversation in the corner.  

these tragic incidents have had a(n) ________ effect.

investment remains tiny ________ because of the exorbitant cost of land.

orr must be insane since he keeps flying combat tasks after many near-death experiences. the doctor can let him continue flying.

this is catch 22, a hidden problem that you can never solve.

it was an easy situation that you can solve because you need to do one thing in order to do a second thing, but you cannot do the second thing until you have done the first.

it was a rude joke, but doc daneeka didn’t laugh until yossarian came to ask again not to fly after performing a task, which was impossible.

dc daneeka laughed loudly in a respectful way, and was soon completely involved in his own work.

which of the following is not the feeling of the writer before the race?

which phrase shows that the writer would put all her efforts into the race?

which phrase shows that the writer was worried that she might have lost?

what effect does the writer create by asking herself questions in para. 11?

the gardens were _________ by rows of lamps.

this publicity will give our sales a real________ .

she looked quite ________before the contest.

she was _______by her long walk.

the horse_________ and took the lead in the race.

the race took place in the daytime.

the writer must exceed her known limits to win the champion.

the writer didn’t have a clear strategy for the race.

once the race was over, the writer was sure she had won the champion.

the olympic title the writer won was for the women’s 800m race.

who does the writer usually live with?

how would you describe soren?

how would you describe the writer?

how would you describe hogahn?

how do you think the writer feels about having hogahn live with her?

these are some of the __________of animal intelligence.

we want to _____________how animals use tools.

the bright plumage of many male birds has _______ to attract females.

scientists _________ the animals’ environment in order to study them.

the evidence was_________. we were convinced it was true.

soren thinks hogahn will make a good guard dog.

hogahn barked at people who came to soren’s mother’s house.

soren’s mother thinks of the puppy as a child.

soren’s mother threw other sticks for hogahn.

the puppy clawed at soren’s mother and pulled her under the water.

the american psychologist says that ________.  

churchill says that people in public life ________.

churchill suggests that hobbies ________.

churchill recommends that in their spare time ________.

churchill describes as “unfortunate” people who ________.

in the 19th century, british people had more time off than in previous times but ______.

leisure inactivities usually involve ______.

even getting interested in a tv programme is unwise because ______.

the risks of being a couch potato are ______.

when anything goes wrong, the blame usually _________ the youngest brother.

they failed to come to an understanding and the subject was ________ till the next meeting

he definitely meant to be rude – it was quite ________.

in a chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play _______roles in raising children.

though they think it takes _________ three days to fulfil the mission, i believe it takes not less than six days.

in the past, british students used to spend a lot of their time___________.

many of today’s graduates don’t have the right________ .

some managers think social skills should be taught_________ .

as part of the project they have to ________ .

some students take a year off their studies to____________ .

lisa worked on a volunteer program.

lisa helped set up a medical camp.

lisa helped to construct toilets.

lisa got up late most days.

lisa had to pay for the experience.

which of the events doesn’t illustrate the law of gravity?

which of the facts illustrates the theory of relativity?

what did einstein’s theory of relativity explain?

why do scientists know black holes exist?

what is the main idea of the passage?

mark did ________ well in the physics test, even though he missed most of the classes.

the deeper under the sea you go, the more pressure is ________ by the weight of the water.

he just wants to get on with his research without ________ from anyone.

it’s unlikely there will ever be any ________ to the argument about whether there is life on other planets.

a black hole does not allow light to escape from it, and ________ it is invisible.

most scientists used to believe that time travel was possible.

quantum physics suggest time travel may be possible only for very all objects.

einstein’s theories allow us to understand more about gravity and predict what will happen to it in certain circumstances.

quantum theory and einstein’s theory lead to the idea of parallel universes.

the two objections to time travel mentioned earlier do not apply in their case.


一个单片机的组成中,不是必须包含的模块是( )

一个字节能表示的压缩bcd码十进制数是( )位

计算机中的有符号整数编码方式是( )

1)下面选项中,数字字符’0’-‘9’的ascii编码(8位二进制表示时)的规律的是( )

下面选项中,字母字符’a’-‘z’,’a’-‘z’的ascii编码(8位二进制表示时)的规律的是( )



二进制数1100 0011 1010 转换为十六进制数是( )

按照补码规则表示出 59和-27后,将他们按二进制相加后,计算得到的8位二进制数结果(注意是先转换成反码或补码,再相加)为( )。


在单片机程序运行中,下列哪种情况下堆栈区会起到重要作用( )

mcs51单片机内部有r0-r7为一组的通用寄存器,共( )组

mcs51单片机工作时,以下哪些周期概念是与之时序相关的( )

单片机片外总线结构由以下几部分组成( )



at89c55型号单片机的片内rom存储器的容量是( )kb。

两个8位无符号整数相乘后,其结果应当为( )位二进制数,mcs51单片机中乘法指令运算结果使用累加器a和( )寄存器共同存放该结果的。

当累加器a中的数据为0011001时,状态寄存器psw中,标志位p位为( )

c51程序中,用于进行绝对地址访问的头文件名称是( )

c51语言中用于定义变量别名的宏定义是( )

关于c51中中断响应函数的定义规定中,正确的是( )

c51中要对单片机片外ram空间某端口读写访问时,可以通过以下几种方式实现( )

c51程序中#define 宏定义语句末尾一定要使用分号才能正确编译通过。


c51编程语言中,为了适应单片机编程开发,增加了针对16位特殊功能寄存器的两种数据类型是( ).

c51编程语言中,定义在位寻址区上的变量时,对位寻址区的存储类型描述符是( )

定时器使用中,用于定义定时器的工作方式的寄存器是( )

串行口工作在方式0时,其属于( )通信方式


mcs51单片机多个中断源同时触发时,其响应中断的原则包括以下哪些( )




c51程序中,表明函数是中断服务函数的关键字是( )

mcs51单片机定时器工作在方式2时,其特点是( )

mcs51单片机通过外部总线扩展一片6264ram芯片,单片机的a15,a14,a13连接74ls183后,y1输出连接到6264的cs端,请问此芯片占据的地址区间是( ).


像at89c51等片内有集成rom的单片机构建最小系统时,单片机外围电路需要以下( )模块




led数码管的动态扫描原理,利用的是人眼的( )效应。

单片机驱动按键时,有时出现按下一次键,单片机会检测到多次按键动作,产生该现象的原因是( )处理没有做好。





已知单片机中某个数的bcd码为0111 0101 0100 0010 则其表示的十进制数值为________


8031定时/计数器共有四种操作模式,并由tmod寄存器中m1 m0的状态决定,当m1 m0的状态为10 时,定时/计数器被设定为_______



















dptr是mcs51单片机中唯一的( )位特殊寄存器.

8031复位后,pc的值为( )

十进制数-102的补码用八位二进制数表示为( )

p0口直接作io输出口时,必须外接( )

mcs51单片机片外地址空间大小为( )kb.

8051的定时器/计数器是 (加或减)计数的。

p1口在作为输入口使用时,在读取数据之前,通常要先向p1口送数据(16进制数表示)( )。

8位补码表示的二进制数,其最小的数对应的十进制数值是( )

mcs51单片机的定时器/计数器工作时,当计数变量从全1变成全0时的过程称为( )

若单片机的振荡频率为6mhz,设定时器工作在方式1需要定时1ms,则定时器初值应为(十六进制数表示)( )

uml中接口可用于( )。

在面向对象方法中,两个及以上的类作为一个类的父类时,称为( )。

以下关于封装在软件复用中所充当的角色的叙述,正确的是 ( )。

一个类是( ) ,在定义类时其属性可以声明为private、protected、public。

在定义类一个类时,将其属性声明为private的目的是( )。

以下关于面向对象继承的叙述中,错误的是( )。

面向对象的四个基本特征是( )。


在面向对象方法中,将逻辑上相关的数据及行为绑定在一起,使信息对使用者隐藏称为 ( )

uml类图中类与类之间的关系有五种:依赖、关联、聚合、组合与继承。若类a需要使用标准数学函数类库中提供的功能,那么类a与标准类库提供的类之间存在() 关系。

在uml图中,如何区分 对象和类 ?()







术语“多态性”的含义是什么? ()

一个小型网络水果超市,负责给用户网上订购苹果、芒果、桃子、荔枝。用户可以注册成为会员,预约、订购、查询、取消等常规动作。 请设计用例模型 1) 参与者(10) 2)用例图(10) 3)一个重要的用例进行描述(20) 4)整个作业的规范度(10)

画出类图 一家公司有许多部门,通过部门名唯一的确定一个部门,每个部门有一名经理主管,也有的经理不管理任何一个部门;每个部门生产多种产品,每种产品仅有一个部门生产。该公司有许多员工为之工作,员工又进一步划分为经理与工人两类。每名工人可以参加多个项目,每个项目需要多名工人;每位经理可以主持多个项目,每个项目仅有一人主持。 需要上传类图。

以下方法中适用于寻找概念类的方法是 ( )。

要求计算机201803班的同学今天下午打扫卫生。这是属于( )类别的职责。

采用面向对象方法开发软件的过程中,抽取和整理用户需求并建立问题域精确模型的过程叫( )。

面向对象分析与设计是面向对象软件开发过程中的两个重要阶段,下列活动中,_____ 不属于面向对象分析阶段。

以下关于统一过程up的叙述中,不正确的是 ( ) 。

面向对象分析的目的是为了获得对应用问题的理解,其主要活动不包括( )。

在面向对象设计中,用于描述目标软件与外部环境之间交互的类被称为边界类。它可以( )。

以下( )不是面向对象分析与设计时的关键问题。

面向对象分析设计领域,良好的对象设计是构建高质量软件系统的基本要求,如架构性的内聚、可重用性、以及( )等。

根据以下需求描述,1)寻找概念类,并给出自己的理由;2) 画出领域模型图。 【需求描述】 需要开发一个“币的零钱交换机系统:接受5元、10元、20纸币,输出1元硬币”,请给出领域模型图,要有分析过程

对象、类、继承和消息传递是面向对象的4个核心概念。其中对象是封装( )的整体。

面向对象( )选择合适的面向对象程序设计语言,将程序组织为相互协作的对象,每个对象表示某个类的实例,类通过继承等关系进行组织。

为何需要领域模型? 是因为( )

以下( )是创建领域模型的主要目标之一。

领域模型的主要组成部分,包括 概念类、概念类之间的关系、 以及( )。

如图所示,这不是一个合适的领域模型,主要理由是 ( )


在描述软件需求的时候,vision是指( )。

领域模型与数据模型之间的关系,下列( )的描述比较贴切。


如果两个顾客在世界的不同地方,要购买音乐会的最后一张票,如何分配这张票?( )

用例描述有三种详细程度,以下叙述中,( )不是有关用例描述的详细程度。

以下关于断言(assertion)的叙述,不正确的是( )。

关于程序正确性的定义: {p} a {q} ,其中( )的叙述是不正确的。

若类a仅在其方法method1中定义并使用了类b的一个对象,类a其他部分的代码都不涉及类b,那么类a与类b的关系应为( )。

判断一个用例是否是一个合适的用例,以下 ( )不是一个好的方法。

契约式设计(design by contract)的核心思想,不包括以下 ( )。

针对重要的系统事件定义操作契约,以下 ( )不是操作契约要求的内容。

需求与领域分析阶段的主要工作,不包括 ( )。

由谁(某个类)来负责创建另一个类的新实例(对象)?可以根据如下( )的grasp原则来处理。

通用职责分配软件原则grasp,不包含以下( )所列的原则。

grasp原则是面向对象设计中可以应用的原则,gof设计模式是一些解决特定软件问题的最佳实践。这两者之间的关系是 ( )。

如图所示的领域模型,由( )类来创建square对象会比较合适。

在下列( )情况下,可以不考虑采用创建者模式。

在grasp原则中,为一个对象分配职责的一般原则是( )。

如何保证设计方案支持低的依赖性、低的变化影响度、增加可重用性?在grasp原则中,( )原则可以支持。

如图1、图2所示是创建payment的两种不同的方案。根据grasp原则,图2所示方案比较好。主要因为( )。 图1 图2

grasp原则之低耦合的精神,以下( )是正确的描述。

实训七 绘制uml交互图 请使用rational rose绘制指定的通信图示例。 请使用rational rose的转换功能将上题绘制的通信图转换为对应的顺序图 请使用rational rose绘制指定的顺序图 请使用rational rose的转换功能将上题绘制的顺序图转换为对应的通信图(协作图)


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