4、the pauli exclusion principle is the quantum mechanical principle which states that two or more identical fermions (particles with half-integer spin) can occupy the same quantum state within a quantum system simultaneously.
5、atoms are made from a nucleus of protons and neutrons and a cloud of electrons.
the periodic table随堂测验
1、who set up the periodic table? a、antoine lavoisier b、johann wolfgang doebereiner c、julius lothar meyer d、dmitri mendeleev
2、which kind of bond in h2o? a、metallic bond b、ionic bond c、covalent bond d、hydrogen bond
3、the following elements are alkali metals. a、k b、na c、cs d、in
atomic bonds in solid materials随堂测验
1、which kind of bonding will be mainly existed in ceramics? a、covalent bond b、metallic bonding c、ionic bonding d、hydrogen bond
2、electrons in atoms would follow these principles. a、pauli exclusion b、lowest energy c、hund rule d、hooke law
3、the following bonds can be treated as weak bonds or secondary bonds. a、dipole–dipole interactions b、the london dispersion force c、hydrogen bonding d、metallic bonding
4、metal atoms become anions after they lost electrons.
5、when voltage is applied to an ionic material, entire ions must move to cause a current to flow, therefore, the electrical conductivity is very good.
第二章-1 the structure of crystalline solids
metallic crystal structures随堂测验
1、what is the coordination number for fcc structure? a、4 b、8 c、12 d、16
2、how many atoms in hcp? a、2 b、4 c、6 d、8
3、the apf could not be same due to different crystal structure.
ceramic crystal structures随堂测验
1、for a ceramic compound, what are the characteristics of the component ions that determine the crystal structure? a、the magnitude of the electrical charge on each ion b、the numer of atoms in ceramic c、the relative sizes of the cations and anions d、the weight of atoms in ceramic
2、there are cations and anions in ceramics, therefore, the crystal could not be electrically neutral.
3、the chemical formula of a compound indicates the ratio of cations to anions, which must be stoichiometric.
polymer structures随堂测验
1、what are molecular structure in polymer? a、linear b、branched c、crosslinked d、network
2、which bond can be existed in polymer? a、na-cl b、c=c c、c-cl d、c=o
3、the molecular weight of polymers is a fixed value.
2、which of the following statement is incorrect. a、点缺陷与材料的电学性质、光学性质、材料的高温动力学过程有关。 b、通常把晶体点阵结构中周期性势场的畸变称为晶体的结构缺陷。 c、点缺陷的类型只包括空位和填隙原子。 d、正常节点没有被原子或离子所占据成为空节点,称为空位。
4、空位平衡浓度与哪些因素有关? a、the total number of atomic sites b、boltzmann's constant c、the absolute temperature in kelvins d、the energy required for the formation of a vacancy
5、which of the following statements about solid solutions are correct. a、固溶体是指溶质原子溶入溶剂晶格中而仍保持溶剂类型的合金相。 b、无限固溶体只可能是间隙固溶体。 c、置换固溶体和间隙固溶体都会产生固溶强化现象。 d、形成固溶体后,晶格结构有一定畸变,处于高能量的活化状态,有利于进行化学反应。
point defects-impurities随堂测验
1、which of the following statement about frankel's defect is incorrect. a、空位、填隙原子成对出现,两者数量相等。 b、晶体的体积发生改变。 c、不需要自由表面。 d、正负离子半径相差大时,易形成frenkel缺陷。
1、which of the following statement about the burgers vector is incorrect. a、它的大小表征了位错的单位滑移距离,方向与滑移方向一致。 b、伯氏矢量的大小决定了晶体中何处易出现形成位错以及在外力作用下位错运动的难易程度。 c、刃型位错的伯氏矢量与位错线平行。 d、混合位错的伯氏矢量既不平行也不垂直于位错线,故混合位错由刃型位错与螺旋位错叠加而成。
2、which of the following statements about dislocation are correct. a、刃型位错有一个多余半原子面。 b、滑移面必是包含位错线和滑移矢量的平面,在其他面上不能滑移。 c、螺型位错有多余半原子面,原子错排是呈轴对称的。 d、螺型位错会引起晶体体积膨胀。
3、which of the following statement is correct. a、面缺陷的取向及分布与材料的断裂韧性有关。 b、线缺陷的产生及运动与材料的韧性脆性有关。 c、点缺陷与材料的电学性质、光学性质、材料的高温动力学过程等有关。 d、堆积层错不属于面缺陷。
第二章-3 phase diagram and phase transformation
phase diagram 1(上)随堂测验
1、what is helpful in predicting phase transformation? a、phase diagrams b、theoretical analysis c、the microstructure d、the performance of materials
3、every pure material is considered to be a phase.
4、sugar-water syrup solution and solid sugar are different phases.
5、when two phases are present in a system, it is necessary that there will be a difference in both physical and chemical properties.
phase diagram 1(下)随堂测验
1、possibly the easiest type of binary phase diagram to understand and interpret is that which is characterized by the________system. a、钴-镍 b、铁-碳 c、铜-锌 d、镁-铝
2、the first step in the determination of phase compositions is to a、locate the pressure b、locate the important point of the diagram c、locate the temperature d、determine the tendency of the diagram
3、for a binary system of known composition and temperature, that is at equilibrium, at least three kinds of information are available. a、the phase that are present b、the compositions of these phases c、the percentage of fractions of the phases d、the mechanical property of the phases present
phase diagram 2(上)随堂测验
1、we can find _______single-phase regions in the copper-silver diagram. a、one b、two c、three d、four
2、in the bcc α ferrite, the maximum solubility is _____ wt% at 727℃. a、0.022 b、0.76 c、2.14 d、6.70
3、from the previous example for the 60 wt%ni-40 wt% cu alloy at 1100℃, only the α phase is present.
4、we don’t have to employ the tie line if two phases are present.
5、for all temperatures and compositions below the melting temperature of the lowest melting component, only a single solid phase will exist.
6、of all binary alloy systems, the one that is possibly the most important is that for iron and carbon.
7、α iron has a bcc crystal structure.
8、in practice, not all steels and case irons have carbon contents less than 6.7 wt% c.
phase diagram 2(下)随堂测验
1、the maximum solubility of carbon in austenite, 2.14 wt%, occurs at___℃. a、1394 b、1147 c、1493 d、727
2、the form of iron-carbon phase can be divided into ( ). a、ferrite b、austenite c、cementite d、graphite
3、the microstructure that develops in iron-carbon alloys depends on ( ). a、carbon content b、pressure c、heat treatment d、process
4、δ-ferrite is stable only at relatively high temperatures.
phase transformation随堂测验
1、the time necessary for the transformation to begin and then end depends on ( ). a、pressure b、reaction time c、temperature d、reaction process
2、the thickness ratio of the ferrite and cementite layers in pearlite is approximately ( ). a、8 to 1 b、6 to 1 c、5 to 1 d、4 to 1
3、贝氏体的微观结构由______和______组成。 a、ferrite and cementite b、austenite and ferrite c、austenite and cementite d、ferrite and pearlite
4、the first process to accompany a phase transformation is nucleation.
5、temperature plays an important role in the rate of the austenite-to-pearlite transformation.
6、in the iron-carbide phase diagram, when at the temperatures above the eutectoid and for all times, only austenite will exist.
7、martensite will appear on the iron-iron carbide phase diagram.
8、cementite is much harder but more brittle than ferrite.